Jamboree 2018

Jamboree 2018 brought together 150 visual artists, curators & programmers from around the UK in a relaxed outdoor setting, on the Dartington Estate near Totnes, Devon, UK.
Read more Hear LOW PROFILE talk about Jamboree 2018Images
Who helped to make this
Jamboree 2018 is supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England and is developed in partnership with a-n The Artists Information Company and Plymouth College of Art.
Jamboree 2018 has also been made possible with the valuable support of Plymouth Culture, VASW (Visual Art South West), CVAN NW, PAC Home (Plymouth Arts Centre), WARP (g39, Cardiff), Extra Special People (Eastside Projects, Birmingham), CG Associates (Castlefield Gallery, Manchester), Spike Associates (Spike Island, Bristol), Somerset Art Works, and The Newbridge Project.
Where this work has ended up
Following Jamboree 2018, LOW PROFILE worked for a 2 year period on 2 large funding bids to make another Jamboree event happen at Dartington. The first bid failed and the second was being submitted just as Covid 19 hit and project grant funding was withdrawn.
Jamboree CIC was fortunate to receive an Emergency Grant from Arts Council England to support some development time and other Jamboree activities from June – Dec 2020. LOW PROFILE used this time to produce a series of resources for the arts sector and a lasting archive of the Jamboree project.
Bonus content

Jamboree Impact Report demonstrating the value of and making a compelling case for ambitious artist-led professional development that is sector-supported.
LP talk about our ongoing commitment to artist-led activity
Listen to LOW PROFILE discuss their artist-led practice