LOYAL (2012) is a loyalty card scheme developed especially for Hunt & Darton Café.

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Photo credit: Hunt & Darton
Photo credit: Hunt & Darton
Photo credit: Hunt & Darton
Photo credit: Hunt & Darton
Photo credit: Hunt & Darton
Photo credit: Hunt & Darton
Photo credit: Hunt & Darton
Photo credit: Hunt & Darton
Photo credit: Hunt & Darton
Photo credit: Hunt & Darton
Photo credit: Hunt & Darton

Who helped to make this

LOYAL was commissioned for Hunt & Darton Café

Where this work has ended up

LOYAL has toured with the Hunt & Darton Café to 14 UK locations (ACE Strategic Tour – 2012-2015), on 2 runs at Edinburgh Fringe (2012, 2013), 3 major cities in China (with British Council & Forest Fringe), Wildwurchs-Basel and Festive de Kurtz- Netherlands and Tate Modern.


LOYAL was designed to encourage customers to make repeated visits and purchases at Hunt & Darton Café – a fully functioning, temporary cafe that blends art with the everyday. 

Customers who collect all of the stamps are rewarded with a bespoke LOYAL badge, allowing them to publicly display their support and allegiance to Hunt & Darton Café beyond the project’s walls.

Hunt & Darton expose the inner workings of their business by presenting everything as art – from public display of their bank balance to the lovingly handpicked charity shop crockery. We mirrored this approach when designing LOYAL, to reward customers’ loyalty in a more long-lasting, meaningful and celebratory way than simply receiving free coffee.

LOYAL also helped to build a temporary community around the cafe which was often set up in an empty venue for a short period.