Anything You Can Think Of / Everything You Can Imagine

A new public artwork by LOW PROFILE made in partnership with Plymouth Scrapstore and Big Ups presented to coincide with Plymouth Art Weekender 2024.

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Photo Credit: Dom Moore
Photo Credit: Dom Moore
Photo Credit: Dom Moore

Who helped to make this

This artwork was made with the support and encouragement of Plymouth Scrapstore who also donated vinyl (material already in their store) to realise the work.

Big Ups helped us in our planning stages, allowed us to prepare the work in their studios and supported installing the work (giving the majority of their time in-kind). 

LOW PROFILE gave their own time for free (were not paid a fee).

Plymouth Art Weekender invested £500 to enable us to cover some additional material costs and to pay Big Ups for one day of their time. 

Anything You Can Think Of / Everything You Can Imagine

The artwork celebrates Plymouth Scrapstore which supports people to be creative in inventive and resourceful ways whilst offering an alternative model for consumption based on rethinking ‘waste’ as a resource, demonstrating that sustainable systems of exchange are possible (and vital).

The phrases are reflective of some of the things that people often say about the experience of visiting The Scrapstore, and have been chosen in consultation with The Scrapstore team. The two-way text presented points towards the potential held within the building (and its people, practices and values) and draws attention to the importance of expansive thinking, taking new perspectives, imagining different ways of doing things, and the importance of creativity.

Our studio is a few doors down from the deliveries entrance of Plymouth Scrapstore, underneath @karstgallery – a home to 20+ artists. These are (as far as we know) the only subsidised, affordable studios solely for visual artists in Plymouth and an essential space for artists to make work and be part of a creative community. It’s been important for us to make an artwork for/with our neighbours Plymouth Scrapstore, and for a site that’s only a few metres from where we work.

The artwork is also inspired by a piece installed in front of Spike Island, Bristol which also uses the format of a two way text read across a concertina garage door (no laughing / no barking).