One of Us

‘One of Us’ takes the form of a low-key game show, where LOW PROFILE invites those playing to decide which of a set of given statements belong to which performer.
The statements vary from being confessional, personal, banal and obscure. The performance is to some extent to do with what/how much you reveal and what/how much you hide. It echoes the way we create and re-create our identities by telling and re-telling our stories.
The performance asks the audience to take positions, to judge the performers solely on the statements provided and as the people they see standing in front of them – contributing to the creation of reading and meanings in the work.
Where this work has ended up
Presented at: Tent, Rotterdam (2004); OVADA, VENT live art residency, Oxford, UK (2005); The Cavern, Exeter (~2006); Acorn Theatre, Penzance (~2006)